Crappy movie, but....
19 January 2009
I WAS IN THIS MOVIE! As a teenager, a friend got me and my bandmates hired to play in the band that played at the outside wedding reception that the bees attacked! That's me in the red vest playing guitar and running into the house. That dork they showed playing lead guitar was dubbed in later.

Highlights were: Meeting Mr. Hays (I'm a fan of airplane), who was really nice to us musicians as he had a hobby of building custom guitars, and either dated or was married to a famous 80's rocker.

The Bee wrangler was nice and explained at great length how the queenless actor-hive had to be perpetually replenished. A bee vomited a blob of honey on my bandmates leather sleeve and I ate it.

It rained during the day and the guitar I used got wet and I felt it had gotten a little warpy- that very night I had a gig at the bar (snuck in as I wasn't 21), and I threw the guitar off the stage and smashed it at the climax of the show.

I saw the movie and liked looking for myself and the tunnel scene.

Note to all movie watchers- movies rule when your in them, no matter how bad they are.
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