Role Models (2008)
Could have been so much better, Over-Rated
18 January 2009
Just saw Role Models last night,and boy oh boy, could this have been the most over-rated movie on IMDb?? I am a bit of a fan of Sean William Scott,and he has changed his personality slightly after the American pie Movies like Dukes Of Hazzard. But after seeing this crap, I got the idea he wasn't putting in any effort, along with Paul Rudd who was "Mike" in Friends, whom I thought was hilarious in the show.

Rudd basically plays a bit of a whiner, which I thought would have been funny if the movie had progressed properly with a bit of direction with his complaints, but no,he just remains the same throughout, in all honesty, he just wasn't funny at all, which was disappointing because I actually like the actor which was one of the main reasons for going to see this. I just wish he got a better script to work with There were a few laughs all in all, more on Sean William Scotts side, which was rare enough.

2 Characters I could not stand in this movie was 1. The Ex Junkie Leader of "Sturdy Wings" who just completely overdid her lines, and just does not suit Comedy (weiner scene when shes in the convenience store with Sean William Scott)...I rest my case, NOT FUNNY. And whats with all her pointless lines about "Bu*******ng"?? i just don't get it. For an ex junkie, ALL she did was talk about drugs, and being funny about it, which was ridiculous. And 2. The black kid, Ronnie. Im not taking this movie on a serious personal level, but this kid just turned out to be a foul mouthed brat, and just did NOT strike me as being funny at all, all he did was curse and shout at people, I just couldn't laugh, all I could do was roll my eyes and shake my head yet again. Along with a lot of cursing, (mostly from the black kid, which was all he did) and the pointless nudity scenes with William Scott(were they trying to add American pie scenes into this to make it funny?), this movie could have been aimed towards kids.

Like I said, a few laughs, not many. Its up to you if you want to pick this movie up, but don't expect much in my opinion...
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