Review of Home Sick

Home Sick (2007)
Graphic Gore Runs Amuck in Alabama...
4 January 2009
Quite dark and riveting at times, "Home Sick" sells it's story with extremely graphic gore tactics from the get-go...

Written by E.L. Katz and directed by Adam Windgard, this is Indie film making custom-made for those who crave the red stuff... And lots of it! The viewer is drawn in from the opening scene, which is quite perverse and filled with an underlying feeling of dread. Soon there after, we are treated to some gut splattering, puss spewing, limb launching fun like I have not seen in some time. With solid acting by everyone involved, "Home Sick" delivers a well crafted peek into a hideous Alabama sub-culture, where day to day life appears dreadful enough without an added demonic force ripping people's heads off... The pacing is okay for the most part, however there were a few (un-needed) slower scenes that didn't seem to be plot related. This is easily over-looked because the very next scene may contain a fountain of entrails, just to liven things up. "Home Sick" is a worth while addition to any Indie Horror collection.
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