Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008 Video Game)
An OK sequel that runs very messy
27 December 2008
This is a continuation of the story from Tomb Raider Legend. Crystal Dynamics third Tomb Raider game and Lara's complete next gen debut. The game sadly follows Angel of Darkness's footsteps in making Lara's first game on the new generation of consoles a mess. Rife with glitches and poor framerate. The whole game has a rushed quality to it. Which Eidos is known for rushing their developers.

Graphically the game looks great. There have been tweaks and improvements to some animations and stuff that Lara does. Everything is mo-capped now, so that it gives Lara and the other characters a better sense of realism. There are a lot of subtle things here I appreciate with the animations.

There is a dark side to the animations though. Some animations are stiff. Like her swan dive for example. She looks like a 500 pound anvil dropping, because she does it so fast. Other animations are also stiff and sometimes jerky.

Next complaint is the shoddy camera. The camera was somewhat of a hassle in Anniversary, but never this bad. The camera flips, dips, and trips all around to every place except where you want it or need it to be.

The combat has it's issues as well. First off this is just a personal preference of mine, but I wished they would have included a customizable control scheme, but sadly there isn't one. The reason why I say this is, because shooting is R2. I'm used to it being R1, so I found R2 to be awkward all through the game. One addition that I'm glad returned was blood. Enemies now spray a little blood when she shoot them.

There are some lazy design choices at work as well. Every human in the game is a one hundred percent exact clone of each other. There are two areas that are exact clones of each other as well.

Through the game I encountered four glitches. I fell through a boss one time, I went through a boat wall, close to the end of the game the screen just went black and I had to cut off my PS3 and turn it back on before I could do anything else, and at one point the screen went completely gray. That was fixed by going into the menu and going back to the game.

Two other things I'm really peeved about is the fact that they took out her mansion that you could mess around in outside of story mode. Another thing is the lack of unlockable costumes. In fact there are NONE. What few that are coming are going straight to the Xbox to be exclusive there. This game is shorter than Anniversary as well, but longer than Legend by a small margin.

There are some improvements here. The voice acting it good. The story is fairly good. The cutscene animations are superb, but Crystal Dynamics really dropped the ball with the technical aspects of the game. The game could be patched to fix some of these problems, but there has been no word on any patch. Everything else coupled with 360 basically getting everything to make it a more complete game and you've got a game here for the PS3 that doesn't justify it's $60 price.
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