Review of Naked Fear

Naked Fear (2007)
Thought-provoking, deeper than it first seems
30 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a strange movie. The title, the DVD cover, the 18 rating (in Germany) all suggest it's at least soft porn. But it comes out as very much else.

If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read this - for to give justice to "Naked Fear", one must discuss the ending ten minutes as much as the rest.

One might summarize it in a headline: "Crime statistics reversed - last year: 5 women disappeared, this year: 5 woman molesters killed". The first part takes up most of the film, in gripping intensity (and yes, no porn at all) it builds an incredible tension - and then we get a maybe oversimplified, but ultimately satisfying solution.

Is this a feminist movie? I can't really tell - but the solution appears to be much more on the female side than, say, Thelma & Louise. Those were in less thrilling troubles, and ultimately went down in bliss - Diane here takes her summary revenge, becoming a terminatress, and seems to live on quite happily (ever after?)

Even though I'm male and got attracted by the promise of frontal nudity, I now find this film strong for totally different reasons. The concept of being hunted in a wilderness (wasn't New Mexico where Steve Fossett went missing for half a year without trace?) does not depend on gender. And the woman's point of view comes over very convincingly. Very strong piece.
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