End of the Line (II) (2007)
OK Movie as often much too hyped on IMDb
17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, Reviews here are all raving which always makes me very cautious but "End of the line" definitely is not a stinker. To put a major spoiler ahead... If you throw the basic idea of "Believers", the creepy subway setting of "Midnight meat train" and some maniac killer cult plus some demon creatures in a blender you are sure to get very close to this movie. Most of "End of the line" is build on slow suspense starting with some mysterious suicides and hallucinations, then a bunch of people getting stranded in a stopped subway with some lunatic Armageddon cult and of course then everybody running from the nice Christians trying to save their souls with some pretty ugly crucifix-daggers. The setting in the dark subway tunnels works fine, the cult and its belief are unveiled slowly and for my taste way overacted and the gore is minimal, yet this is far more a horror movie than "Believers". And here comes the little problem... the effects are bad! Someone here stated that the FX are way better than in "Midnight meat train" which to me was visually stunning while this one has bad blood splatter (although no fake CGI like in MMT) and finally some really bad creature Effects.

I liked the movie for its slow pacing and the cold dark realization in the end. But compared to "Believers" this one falls flat because of the fake acting of the cult members and the cheesy creature FX in the finale. This moment of realization should be the ultimate horror of "everything you know is wrong" and is destroyed by some ridiculous demons that look like in a theater play with red light bulbs in their eyes.

So really... whoever compares the obviously tight budget FX of "End of the line" with Kitamuras impressive gore FX and high class cinematography in Midnight Meat train must be high. The movie is way too serious for such trashy acting and FX and suffers from an equally cheesy and semi-funny feeling like Maurice Devereaux' previous movie "Slashers". I have seen far worse but "End of the line" barely manages to reach an average level.
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