Welcome Back 007
14 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'll go on record and say this might be my second favorite Bond film after Casino Royale.

MAJOR Spoilers AHEAD!!!!

An engaging Bond film on both levels. The action was fulfilling. Since people are complaining so much about plot and character development, I'll start there.

The plot moves a little fast, but it's there. Some people just seem too brain dead to watch, because they're too awestruck by Casino Royale that they can't find the sense to move on and accept newer Bond films.

Bond wants revenge and he stumbles on an organization that is behind the death of Vesper from CR: The villain wants control of the world's oil supply in exchange for control of certain South American Governments. It turns out that the main villain, Dominic Greene, actually wants control over the country's water supply and send it into drought.

Certain characters are back from CR including Felix Leiter, Mathis, and Mr. White.

Felix. Not as much depth as the last one, but he serves his purpose, and the scene in the bar shows the blossoming of his relationship with James for me.

Mathis was given much more to do this time around and I really loved the scenes between him and Bond. It was a crushing blow when he died, and it was downright cruel of Bond to just stick him in the dumpster, but if any of you bother to read the novels which the CREATOR WROTE!, you'd find Bond is a cold bastard, which is more what we see in this film. No boner jokes, no gadgets, just flesh, blood, and duty.

My favorite scene between Bond and Mathis is on the flight back to South America and Bond is grieving over Vesper with about 6 drinks. Now, who can say they haven't dealt with loss like that? I'm willing to bet a large number of people would do exactly as Bond does. Everyone complains that BOnd is too cold and humorless for a man seeking revenge. Well, CHARACTER CHANGE! We shouldn't be looking for a copy of what he was in CR.

For those of you who watched CR, Bond knew he had to toughen up. He's a government agent, and if he doesn't shut off his emotions, then he's as good as dead. Yes, he's human, he hurts, but Bond can't show it. In GoldenEye, Bond himself says being cold is what keeps him alive. That's all in here. Everyone is just itching for an emotional breakdown or some kind of pointless quip. That'd be more unBond than a Roger Moore movie.

Mr. White, gets his chance to shine in the beginning of the film and he turns a bit more maniacal this time around. (GASP) CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!


M. She is given more screen time than in any other Bond film, and there is one scene that shows her vulnerability. She genuinely does care about him, and they both know that. Bond saved M's life in this movie, and her gratitude shows at the end.

Camille. Sexy, tough, but emotionally damaged, similar to Melina from FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. II had to complain about anything here, it would be the chemistry between them. It felt a little flat, but there were moments that made up for it, such as when Bond gives her his jacket and listens to what happened to her and why she is seeking revenge. I rated Casino Royale a 10 because the Bond and Vesper's relationship worked so well, and they met as verbal equals. This time it was more balance for Camille's character, and I think Olga will get far more chances to shine. Bond doesn't ride off into the sunset this time, and it seems like he finds his so called Quantum of Solace with her. As much as I would have liked to see her as another notch on his belt, she isn't, which sets her apart from other Bond girls.

Fields. Yes, she was a waste of Bond girl. Nice reference to Goldfinger, but in her defense, Jill Masterson was also a wasted Bond girl, but essential in giving Bond a lead on Goldfinger. Fields gave her life for Bond as many have. I don't think the main Bond girl needs to die like Vesper to make it a good movie, but there could have been more there.

As for Greene and Modrano, decent Bond villains. Modrano was somewhat Camille's villain but Greene was better than I expected and I wasn't expecting much. CR had many wasted villains. Even Le Chiffe who beat Bond to a pulp probably couldn't compete with Bond in a fair fight. Greene was more ruthless, especially when he was verbally attacking Bond at the party. There's no bull behind him. He doesn't want to invite him in for tea. He simply wants BOnd out of the way, that plus he's a return to the megalomaniac villains of the past. Him and Fields were nice past tributes.

The humor is dry, but funny. My favorite being when Bond tells the man on the motorcycle that he missed, and knocks him over to steal the bike. Very Bondish.

My only other complaint was the obvious CGI drop from the plane. Not a delight to see anymore CGI in Bond films, but it's better than a damn ice wave and surfing on it.

SPOILER! As for the ending, I was very satisfied to see Bond tie up the loose ends. He was able to let go and let himself become the cold hard killer we love, both inside and out. And I think it was a wise move saving the gun barrel for the end, because you know by that time, Bond has returned.
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