High Levels of Stupidity From "Yeti"
8 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm, a sports team is in a plane crash, gets stranded on a snowy mountain, and is faced with the difficult decision to eat the flesh of their dead companions in order to survive. Sound familiar anyone? I refer to "Alive" from 1993. The only major difference here, of course, is that a big, white, drunken scare crow of a Yeti shows up a few times to drag off the dead. I guess humans taste better than yaks.

Stupid: The man in the first scene does not have a reliable firearm when hunting the Yeti, nor does he have a backup.

The plane crash is completely bogus. It would have either exploded in the air, exploded when it hit the ground, or become obliterated. The people would not have survived, but hey, it's sci-fi.

Stupid: They survived, and they are cold. It might be a good idea to harness some of the burning debris nearby so as not to freeze to death. Fire being warm as it is...

WTF: The pilot has frost formed all over his face while he's alive and talking, but oddly enough, no one else does.

Stupid: One of the guys tells the others to look for matches and lighters, but there are scattered parts of the plane ON FIRE all around them.

Stupid: They find coats and hoodies, and yet there in the cold of the Himalayas, they fail to use the hoods!

Stupid: They're staring at a pile of sticks when, I reiterate, there are pieces of the plane ALREADY BURNING.

Stupid: The Himalayas are notorious for its storms. It would be common sense for them to collect the debris in order to reinforce their structure rather than sitting outside bickering. There are a lot of pine trees around, the branches of which make excellent insulation.

WTF: When in doubt, use a dead man's arm as a splint.

WTF: If the one guy knows so much about the hibernation habits of squirrels, bears, and leopards in the Himalayas, then why doesn't he know enough to make shelter and set traps right from the start?

Stupid: When attempting to trap wild animals, mindless conversation in the vicinity of said trap always helps.

WTF: Do you know how hard it would be to cut a frozen corpse with a shard of glass?!

WTF: The group was ready and armed to fight the Yeti while the other two were standing there defenseless. The Yeti ripped out the guy's heart and stomped the girl's head, and the gang did nothing. There's love.

So two Yetis and a convenient avalanche to bury the evidence forever.... or so we think. Mwuhahahaa! The story continues into more idiocy but the most action occurs in the last 15 minutes, as usual. Nice thinking with the javelin and the chain, although this is some ingenuity (with the magically-appearing chain) that they lacked in the beginning of the movie when they couldn't even make fire despite the fact that it was all around them.

As is typical for the Sci-Fi Originals, the loving couple kisses at the end like nothing horrible has just happened to them (not to mention they ate human flesh and haven't brushed their teeth in several days).

The very end, however, is quote lame.
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