Review of Fireproof

Fireproof (2008)
Only Christians know how to love their partners (the rest of us go you know where)
29 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low budget film set in a mostly caucasion populated world , and created to make money, so I find it interesting that many Church leaders seem to imply that the producers of this "movie of the week" marriage counseling crap fest have released the film as some sort of a "Godly" altruistic public service which needs the financial backing of the congregation when (in truth) the Producers(I.E The Kendrick's) just want to make a buck like any other secular producer. (Ask yourself where is all the extra money from the book etc. now being made really going?) The fact is, Mr Kirk "God is proved by the banana" Cameron is a D-list fame addict that still gets a hefty paycheck for "pretending" to act like one of us "little" people, only now "Mike Seaver" tells us were going to Hades if we don't believe like him, and now he's a marriage counselor to boot.

He is no better than Tom Cruise (spouting off about psych drugs) in that they are both barely educated, and they make their living by whoring their images out to the public. Now Mr. C plays the heroic internet porn addicted fireman who even dares to remove his SCBA during a fire (ya right) and fixes his relationship with a book (that can now be found at your local Christian bookstore) and by ponying up $24,000 What I find disturbing is how these actors is somehow think their roles makes them qualified to serve as a moral examples for the rest of us (because we don't know how to live our own lives) I also don't believe Church leaders should play the part of movie "pimp" telling people who are "good" Christian's to buy blocks of tickets, rather they would be serving society better by telling their flock's to give their $8 ticket price to the homeless (who really need it) and wait for this movie to show up on CBN.

I find it fascinating how Mr.Cameron finds it necessary to tell us that he will only kiss his own wife (because of his moral stances not just for publicity) and yet Mr. Cameron does not refuse any of the royalties from "ABC" for Full House (oops I mean Growing Pains) even though they stand in polar opposition to Mr. C's own "moral" code, This is a code which this film uses to imply that only straight Christian white people (& the supporting token stereotype "Christian" non whites) know how to love, and that only they will go to heaven. I think that "Mikey" should stay at home with his "wifey" and six little Cameron's, and should stop trying to pander this schlock (along with his other propaganda) to a non Christian general audience that he insults with weekly proclamations of eternal damnation (To wrap it up) This movie is perfect for all you straight white Christians (that like to feel smug about themselves) ;however, if you are Jewish, Muslim or any form of non-Christian be prepared for not only religious insults, but some very Bad acting (note: how Mr.C is the only one who talks like they are from LA. and everyone else sounds like they are from Dogpatch) and shaky dialogue as well.
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