I thought this would be rubbish, but actually, I quite liked it!
14 September 2008
Pamela Anderson hasn't exactly set the world alight since the heady days of "Baywatch", and Denise Richard's career has pretty much gone in the same direction since "Starship Troopers", so with Anderson credited as executive producer as well as main star, the words "Be afraid. Be very afraid" were flashing inside my brain in great big neon forty-foot letters. The DVD was deep in the bargain basement bin in my local store, so I wasn't expecting much. It looked like it could be a laugh though. Mind you, Anderson is the wrong side of 40, and Richards is in her late thirties, both of whom playing characters who should really be played by much younger actresses in their early twenties.

It's not original - the girls think that "taking Mr Wong out" means taking him on a date and not doing a mob hit on him. That's about as sophisticated as it gets - Two dumb blondes who don't have a clue about what is going on around them. At least the writers avoid the use of too much toilet humour apart from the farting turtle, while most of the production money probably went on Anderson and Richards matching wardrobes and the final speedboat chase scene. What you're looking at here is basically a female version of "Dumb and Dumber". It'll never win any Oscars, but the fact they have already announced a sequel means that no matter what the critics thought, some people actually sat down and watched this film and it made a decent profit, so its clearly not all that rubbish. It helps if you switch your brain off, and if you do, you'll probably find that this film is a fair bit of fun. I do hope they re-cast some younger actresses for the sequel though. This is a franchise that could go somewhere. 6/10
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