Storm Warning (2007)
1 hour of boredom, 20 minutes of entertainment
12 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
One can pretty much fast forward the first hour and 5 minutes of this movie. A couple go boating and fishing on some miniscule boat. On the way back they decide to get adventurous and explore the area even though a storm is on the way. The get lost and stuck in a maze of swamps. So they walk toward a house. It is night now and on the way they run into some folks in a beat-up truck who attack some guy.

The couple finds no one in the house and since it's raining decide to break in. The house is a mess with sex dolls and nude posters everywhere. The man finds a shed where marihuana plants are being grown. Eventually the owners return, who are some crazy country people wielding rifles: 2 half brothers and the father, and a blood thirsty Rottweiler- the same people in the truck who ended up killing the guy on the road. The house is miles away from anywhere so there's nowhere for the couple to go.

After a whole lot of threats, insinuations, and insults, the couple is put in a barn and after a scuffle they break the man's knee. At this point things get interesting and the woman all by herself devises and creates a wicked trap made of fishing rods, wires, and hooks. And finally a gory moment when one of the crazies falls into the trap. The woman, knowing that eventually she will be molested comes up with a second "device" to harm where it hurts whomever her eventual molester will be- it turns out it'll be that dad, who in the end has a bloody run-in with the dog. The best is saved for last when the final crazy is also destroyed in a savage way.

This movie begins with some very nice aerial shots of Australia. Production as a whole is first rate. The story and the characters are the problem. The first 1/4 of the movie is oddly ineffective at introducing us to our main characters. She's French although her accent sounds East European. The guy is somewhat of a jerk- at least to her. That's about it. No reason to care for any of them. The next half of the movie is also surprisingly dull. This is psychological terror part, where the two are mentally abused by the crazies and it doesn't work at all. The bad guys are colorful but also pretty standard caricatures of country people. Our couple is completely canceled out. The man does nothing, says nothing in the face of danger or to protect the woman. It's as if his character vanishes. It's only when the movie gets physical when things get interesting. This part is brutal, gory, fun, what a horror movie should be. As expected these days, it's the woman who will take revenge, while the man plays the role of the damsel in distress. What is perhaps unique is that our couple is not a teenage couple but older. Were this an American movie, they would have cast nothing but teenagers.

In this case it is somewhat worth putting up with the lame part of the movie to get to the fun part.
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