The X-Files: E.B.E. (1994)
Season 1, Episode 17
The mythology arc is born here
7 September 2008
True, a couple of earlier episodes deal with UFO's and the like, but "E.B.E." is the first episode which takes the form of your average season 2-5 mythology episode, and is the first to show an indication of the extent of the government cover-up and conspiracy, well beyond what we had seen in previous episodes, and this time directly in relation to Mulder and Scully.

"E.B.E." is an oddity as a mythology episode since it was written by James Wong and Glen Morgan, who usually wrote spooky standalone episodes. This is a different sort of script for them, but they pull it off brilliantly, with a lot of excellent dialogue and memorable scenes, such as Scully's first meeting with the Lone Gunmen, us learning more about Deep Throat's background, if he is to be believed. I do find it odd that the episode which was very much the launching point for the mythology story was not written by the people who eventually carried on the story.

"E.B.E." features some outstanding use of smoke cinematography-wise, which lends the episode a great atmosphere. The same trick would continue to feature prominently in the second and third seasons which were also photographed by John Bartley. The musical score is also excellent, with one tune in particular being quite haunting and memorable.

"E.B.E." is very much a personal favorite as it was the first episode I properly sat down and watched, and got me hooked instantly. In a first season with precious few great episodes it shines even more than it does in comparison to most episodes in later seasons, and it lays the foundation for not only the masterful season finale "The Erlenmeyer Flask", but for the many great mythology episodes to come.

What an outstanding episode.

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