Are you people paid for rating this non-event a tener?
2 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the biggest ridicule after George W. not being able to spell the word 'nuclear' right. It is simply beyond my understanding how hundreds of thousands of people could have rated this film even worthy of attention. Batman, The Dark Knight is a piece of cake. With capital letters.

OK, a huge fat turkey of a movie is not a new kid on the block. But no piece of trash has ever been so over-rated as this one is. I know that Heath Ledger's death came unexpected, and the guy was a solid actor, but you cannot praise something to the skies out of commiseration and loyalty. 'Cause however hard I am trying I am not able to find any other substantial reason why you would give Christopher Nolan's new embarrassment of an action flick six, seven, eight or nine points, let alone ten.

This movie is lacking a consequent plot, a cohesion of the myriad of action scenes it has been broken down into and a common sense to know when enough is enough. Besides, I really don't know which film those who said the acting was brilliant had watched, but what I see is that Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhal and Gary Oldman all lack conviction and had the end of the day - and probably the collection of money - in mind when they stood in position in front of the blue screen. Oh, and quite often I really got confused; from time to time I needed to be reminded I was not watching the new James Bond movie or Terminator CXXXVIII (the gadget scene, the plane escape scene are truly pathetic, as is the concept of (re)introducing the character of Two-Face, the guy who did not read the instructions manual of the microwave oven).

Since we are talking about a comic book adaptation I don't bother to mention how unrealistic action sequences are (try wiring a town hospital with all that security and CCTV cameras they got installed, or try buying - unnoticed - the oil reserves of a medium sized country to blow half of the city into the sky), but let me ask why nobody out of the immense crew that put this film together could pay attention to small details. Like when police forces storm the Hong Kong building to catch the bat-suit guy: 'Arigato, arigato!'- they wave each other up the stairs. Does this mean China needs to hire law enforcement personnel from Japan? OK, I am stopping there. I know I might already have made some enemies among comic book and action film lovers. This forgettable encounter with Batman however, reminds me again I am not one of them.
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