granted, not high brow humor. but hilarious in its own right.
31 August 2008
you have to be in the right frame of mind for this show. if you start watching expecting to be moved by profound insights and thrilled by the special effects then your definitely going to be disappointed. my recommendation? just sit back, relax, and watch. part of the charm of this show is the actors have to be masters of their craft to come off as such poor actors. (the camera holds on Saul's face, he is seen to look away from the camera and his face is set in his signature, slack expression)to me, thats funny. a nice contrast to the arrogance of so many other programs that take themselves so seriously. there are so many shows out there that i suspect the creators of think they are doing something important. television is not important, it is not deep, it is entertainment. and Saul of the mole men is entertainment in its purest form.

i don't know why the creators of this show made it like this,obviously they weren't trying to excel at anything. but the net result is a program that because of its creativity and ability to laugh at itself i would prefer to watch over anything out there. i'm actually frustrated because i've only watched half of the season. and i hear they are not going to have a second season. that would be a tragedy.
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