Vehicle for Joyce Godenzi
30 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First let's get the point of this film out of the way. Sammo Hung was dating Joyce Godenzi (they married in 1995) and this film was designed one of several he was involved in to make her a star. Though not a bad actress (though she came to attention as a Beauty Queen) she was no fighter and despite Sammo's efforts to teach her the moves, it shows at times like the famous final fight with the Phillipine fighter Agnes Aurelio (who only made a few films). Sammo appears at various times throughout the film but only fights for a few seconds towards the end, presumably not to distract from his 'star'. Carina Lau is good as the sister who first hates Min (Joyce) but later fights with her to revenge the death of her brother (Min's husband - Tony Leung who has little to do except die well). The other sisters do little but special mention should be made of the feisty Matriarch (played by veteran Helena Law) who adds some character. I found the birthday party where she learns of the death of her son moving, though heavy handed for Western tastes at least. Yuen Wah is genuinely scary as the villain but the film would have been so much better id he had faced Sammo at the end and not just been killed rather pointlessly. You'll spot many other minor HK characters in this film. I enjoyed it, but I suspect it would have had a much higher score with Michelle Yeoh in the lead who could really fight. The now defunct Hong Kong Legends disc has a lot of extras.
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