Charlie Jade (2005)
A Convoluted Mess
26 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this show was quite promising. The plot involves three parallel universes called the GammaVerse, AlphaVerse, and BetaVerse. The Alphaverse is the home of our hero, Charlie Jade, which is a fascist world. All citizens are classified in one of three groups (e.g., C-1, or Class 1 — which stands for Upper Class). It is dominated by five gigantic multinational firms. Prime among these is Vexcor. Despite the Alphaverse's dystopian society, it does contain some futuristic technology that is within our existing technology.

The Betaverse is like our world and the Gammaverse is the Utopian or ideal version that our world could become. The protagonist is an alphaverse corporation called Vexcor that has designs on draining the pure water from the Betaverse and Gammaverse to replace the polluted water in the Alphaverse. Charlie Jade gets transported to the Alphverse and the story begins. That's it, no explanation, no plot line, and no plot confluence.

Confused, you bet and rightfully so. This show has a wonderful and interesting concept but it is poorly and confusingly written, and turned into a convoluted mess. The writing is terrible. Only if you have closely watched each episode can you understand the plot. The writers needed to explain the plot to the viewer and clearly show the relationship of the Verses and how they differ.

This show was obviously a mess... even to the SciFI network, as the new shows are only shown once on Tuesday at 3:00 AM. I Tevo it just to see how it will end. Don't wast your time watching any episodes if you are a new viewer. I am sure the SciFI network will show all the episodes on one day as they do others. But before watching Charlie Jade, check out the synopses on the this site or others. Otherwise, you will be lost.

As I mentioned, this is a great premise with decent actors. Next time, SciFi Channel, get good writers. It's almost as if SciFI went to the local elementary school and asked if anyone wanted to write a script. This is just a total mess and it's sad. I would have really enjoyed this show if written more coherently.
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