It's Worth Your Time
19 August 2008
"It's Not Where You're From. It's Where You're At."

Considering the fact that I haven't see the first one (nor do I want to) I really have nothing else to compare this movie too, and because of this it stands alone. Step Up 2 the Streets brings not only the best dancing I have ever seen on screen (aside from White Nights I guess), but what it does is it proves that even with a moderate script you can still present something remarkable with the right kind of characters and good pacing.

The whole concept about following you're heart is a load of bull and has been done many times before, but it was, however, never mentioned in the film, which I was very pleased about. To a reasonable extent, I enjoyed most of the characters and the talented actors that really developed their characters. I can imagine it being extremely difficult to finds actors that can not only act but have incredible dancing abilities. It's because of their talent that I can over look the fact that a lot of them look older than their character's age.

What I mean about good pacing is that because I watched this movie at three o'clock in the morning I never once felt that something felt out of place or that this was more dancing than story, or vice versa. I was kind of tired and if any film can keep me up long enough to watch the whole thing, then it will have my praise.


I remember the first time I watched Jeepers Creepers, which I watched around the same time as this film. I was about half way through when the monster was finally in the open, and it turned out to be some indestructible monster with wings. It was after that that I decided to stop the movie at wait until morning to finish the movie. I didn't have that problem with Step Up 2 the Streets.

I give it too the critics that the ending was it's weakest point and had the potential to conclude with a better punch, but that wasn't a big problem because I found that I didn't want the end too come because I was so in to the story of these characters and the fantastic variety of dancing.

I would just recommend to watch this movie with an open mind. Try not to right away hate or love anything about it until the movie ends, and then ask yourself, "was this movie worth watching?"

***/**** Stars

Step Up 2 the Streets (2008) Rated PG-13 for suggestive material and brief violence
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