Totally weird and cool
17 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of many films in a sub-par collection of animated shorts entitled "Avoid Eye Contact: Volume One". Like most of the shorts, this one did absolutely nothing for me and that's a real shame, as I usually love these sorts of compilations--having seen all three of The Animation Show DVDs, several Spike and Mike ones, collections of Canadian Film Board cartoons and many, many others. I really wanted to like this.

The plot of this film will simply make your brain hurt, so I won't try to explain too much--especially since it was all so confusing and weird. A guy bites off his tongue and the cat staples it back for him. But because of this injury AND because his arms are on backwards, he goes to the doctor. The doc fixes the arms (in a weird way) and tongue, but the old piece of tongue accidentally falls into nuclear waste, so it naturally becomes a gigantic tongue monster!! So it's up to the cat in his giant mecha-thingy to save the day!!! I told you it was weird!!

While the quality of the animation was only so-so and the stream of consciousness style hard to comprehend, I did still like the film. This is because it managed to be different and funny--a marked contrast to most of the films in this collection.
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