Review of Side Effects

Side Effects (I) (2005)
Decomprssion Outlet
14 August 2008
The contents in the movie are largely accurate as far as how big pharma behaves and insist others to behave in the same way. The benefits are exceptionally high for big pharmaceutical representatives, along with a free company car with the benefit of working from your home. Rarely will a pharma rep work a full 8 hour a day, and that is allowed as long as you get your work done.

What is bad is that on occasion a big pharma company may coerce illegal strategies developed by them to be implemented by such pharma reps. Most obey, because fear ensures loyalty.

The creator of the movie is rather rare. Most big pharma reps avoid quesioning what they are told to do. But at times what they are instructed to implement may be harmful to the medical community.
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