Review of WALL·E

WALL·E (2008)
Worth watching, especially for the short!!
11 August 2008
I just came back from seeing WALL-E with my 9-year-old son. I walked out of that theatre feeling as though I'd been hit over the head with an anvil. The message is about as subtle as a kick in the crotch, but it needs to be said and I'm just a little tired of some of the diatribes I've read that are masquerading as "reviews". People--it's a movie, and meant to be entertaining. If you personally are not entertained, that does not make it a bad movie, just not one that is right for you. And if the message strikes a little close to home and makes you uncomfortable, then maybe it's time to get off your backside and do something constructive about it, hmmmm? I go to the theater about three times a year at most--I end up renting most films from the shop because I don't like being pummeled with the noise that seems necessary on the big screen because people will not stop yakking away at the theatre. I really enjoyed the experience of watching WALL-E, and found myself laughing out loud repeatedly--and I enjoyed it far more than I did either the over-hyped DARK KNIGHT or INDIANA JONES AND THE LATEST PILE OF MONEY, both of which gave me sick headaches by the time I left the theatre.

My summary says it all. I just about peed my pants while watching PRESTO, the short. As always, PIXAR is at its best when it's working with cartoon shorts. I haven't laughed so hard since the first time I saw FOR THE BIRDS, the short attached to MONSTERS INC.. It's a great homage to the style of Warner Brothers (you'll understand when you see it; the feel of it is pure Bugs Bunny) and if the only way I'll be able to own it one day is to buy the disc for WALL-E, I consider that a bargain.

Oh, and for the record, my son, diagnosed ADHD (and currently not medicated), adored the movie, even the long stretch at the beginning when people's biggest complaint seems to be that "nothing happens". He was riveted to the screen the whole time. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon and claiming that this movie is some kind of cinematic masterpiece, but I felt that it was definitely worth the price of admission--and that's saying a great deal these days. Go to enjoy the quality of the animation, to be reminded of HELLO, DOLLY! (I'd forgotten about that movie--I really must rent it soon!), and, yes, to take away a message that perhaps it's time to be just a little more aware of what we're doing to our environment and where this might lead us. Rather than make excuses and attacking the message behind the movie, it might behoove us more to stop and ponder, if only for a moment, where we will be going.
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