Review of Illegal

Illegal (1955)
Never heard of it before seeing this-good movie
20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Who would have thought? Edward G Robinson as a scenery chewing DA who fricasees Bones McCoy by mistake and winds up losing his career. Becomes a drunk. Then becomes a theatrical defense attorney and hires as his assistant Grandma Walton(who is very good), proceeds to get entangled w/ gangsters(paging Frank Costello!)-personified by Albert Dekker and and the rat in the DA office Hugh Marlowe. Nina Foch who has stars in her eyes for Edward G but is 30 years his junior, winds up shooting Marlowe when she catches him giving up the goods on their case, and has to be defended by Edward G. Jayne Mansfield is there for Jessica Rabbit like eye-candy and isn't that bad considering she has but 3 lines and is in her debut role.

I really enjoyed this, warts and all. The casting is fun-hey it's Chief(Platt) from Get Smart! It's got that Other Richard Widmark wannabe from all those westerns on there(Jan Merlin!) playing a Tommy Udo type. It's directed smartly and the budget is more of a solid TV movie by the looks.

Give it a try. *** outta ****, I think you'll enjoy.
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