Review of Turn Left

Doctor Who: Turn Left (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
Dire, truly dire
24 June 2008
This easily goes down as one of the very worst episodes of 'New' Doctor Who - never before have so many been bored by such unmitigated dross. After his successful episode 'Midnight', Russell T. Davies proves that he simply cannot write 'complex' science fiction - he's great on the smaller, self-contained episodes but with anything 'large scale' he fails dismally. His 'larger' ideas are fine, but he lacks the skill to put them across successfully. A terrible shame as he's otherwise a great writer and ideas man.

Graeme Harper's awful direction didn't help either - this guy should stick to directing episodes of Casualty where his 'style' (such as it is) seems best suited (ie shallow, no substance, just a bit of thin surface gloss).

Overall: terrible.
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