Reptilicus (1961)
The Cloning Reptile
14 June 2008
Reptilicus is the effort of one European country, Denmark specifically, to try and cash in on the market the Japanese were finding so lucrative in monster films. But no one does cheesy monster like the Japanese.

Still you have to give some credit for originality. Some folks drilling for oil in Lapland strike some fleshy remains of something. Turns out it's a tail from a prehistoric creature as yet unknown. The Danish scientist studying it names it Reptilicus, but it ain't like any reptile we know.

For one thing they're coldblooded creatures and should NEVER have any living tissue survive. But more important the tail the oil drillers uncover starts growing on its own. Like a starfish regenerating. A natural born ability to clone itself.

Now how something like this didn't survive is beyond me. So what do we do with old Reptilicus. Can't shoot him or blow him up or he'll scatter in a million pieces. His scales are like armor and is impervious to all kinds of ammunition. Can't blow up Copenhagen with an atomic bomb, what to do?

Here's a hint, if you've seen The Blob you know what the military and the scientists do with him.

For cheesy special effects, Reptilicus rates right up there with the best Japanese stuff. It does have some nice location photography of Copenhagen in the early sixties.

And it's fun in a goofy way.
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