Holy marathon Batman.
13 June 2008
The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin & Catwoman have joined forces to wreak havoc on Gotham City......and then the World! Can Batman & Robin save the day?

Remember when Batman was fun? Not a serious scene in sight, no tales of revenge or personal demons to burst from the screen in a day glow burst of thunder. For many of us who grew up in the 60s and 70s this was the only Batman that mattered, pure unadulterated fun, all campy veneer and skin tight Technicolor suits. This full length outing for the dynamic duo is of course just an extended episode from the joyous TV series, just add a bit more money and you got a Bat Boat, a Bat Helicopter and erm, erm, Bat Shark Repellent! It's just wonderful I tell you.

How any of the actors kept straight faces is anyones guess, but they did, and they collectively delighted millions of children and like minded adults in a way that can't be described to the none believers, thank holy god for the caped crusaders that always kept us safe. 8/10

Footnote: Watching now in my middle years I ask any red blooded male this; is there anything more sexy than Lee Meriwether in the Catwoman suit? No wonder my Dad was a fan of the show back then...........
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