Japan does Tarantino meets 70s splatter fest.
13 June 2008
Madder than a box of cocks, Machine Girl has everything in droves. This makes 'Ichi the Killer' seem to make sense and has more blood than the 'Evil Dead' trilogy put together. There really isn't any great plot, just a string of set pieces that are increasingly bizarre as the film goes on. Blood, gore, schoolgirls, ninja's, the death bra and a mad yakuza boss are just some of the surreal elements to this crazy ride of a movie. Beginning with opening credits that Quentin Tarantino would be proud of we are introduced to Asami or Machine girl, so called as she has a machine gun for an arm and as the credits roll so does she dispatching a gang of youths in various gruesome ways before a flash back tells us how it got to this point. Basically her brother was killed by bullies and she wants revenge, losing an arm along the way and replacing it with a machine gun and towards the end of the movie a chainsaw which is it basically in a nutshell. So you get rather attractive Japanese ladies fighting and so many over the top deaths its unreal add to that wacky acting and blood galore and you have an enjoyable but mental romp revenge fest. Funny, filthy and damn right insane there's nothing to not like about this b-movies bonkers brilliance.
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