Great acting, great period detail
12 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...and entertaining. What a brilliant cast! Geoffrey Palmer as a die-hard Tory, Penelope Keith as an unexpected supporter, Joanna David as a sympathetic party hack and of course Sam West as a clenched Ted Heath. How lovely all the girls look in those sexy 50s clothes (especially clutching bright yellow "Beryl" china). Light- hearted? I don't think Ted Heath really carried a torch for Maggie, and the writers couldn't resist slanting gags about Mark getting lost in the sand and Carol reading the Jungle Book (jungle - jungle, geddit?). Also the dialogue is quite anachronistic - nobody said "level playing field" or "discriminated against because I'm a woman" back then. Andrea Riseborough is good (and goodlooking) but her Maggie is a bit of a caricature. Subtle, but a caricature. I wish we'd gone further into Thatcher's career and followed the development of that swooping, elocuted voice.
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