You really don't need another summary, there's a bunch before me. If you don't know what the movie is basically about by now, you're never gonna figure it out.
11 June 2008
Before I saw this movie the first time, I looked for reviews and the only ones I found were not great. But as usual I don't pay heed to critics. I watch it and use my own judgment. I was so glad I watched this one. It has become one of my favorites and it will become one of yours, too, I'm sure. If you have ever lost someone in your life this is a must see. I'm not very religious and have become less since the death of a loved one. But it would be wonderful to believe that there are angels and that when it's my turn that I will eventually see my aunt, who was my best friend, again. This movie is entirely rewarding, genuinely uplifting, and in plain terms made me feel a lot less depressed. Vanessa Redgrave has never been one of my favorites, I remember her from the sixties and she just ticked me off. But her acting in this is a real treat, she looks fantastic for her age, and I would kill for her hair. We could all use a Maddie Bennett in our lives. I actually own two of these, so if one gets damaged I have one to fall back on. So buy or rent this movie if you haven't seen it. Better yet buy it - you're gonna want to watch it more than once!
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