Hell's Belles (1969)
Entertaining biker flick full of action and humor
11 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie manages to balance chase scenes and fights with quieter moments and a surprising amount of humor. It's pretty light hearted for the most part, and comes close to being a comedy, as the biker gang becomes increasingly unnerved by the relentless pursuit of their nemesis, a racer who wants his stolen motorcycle back.

The basic plot has been lifted from Winchester 73, and the hero is a lot like the stalwart good guys of old western movies. He observes a code of honor that includes treating vanquished enemies fairly, respecting women, and standing up alone against heavy odds. The biker gang members refer to him sarcastically as " cowboy", and his dress, manner and philosophy fit him squarely into the mold of western heroes like Audie Murphy and Jimmy Stewart. There's even a scene where he tells his new female acquaintance about his ranch.

Jeremy Slate is fine as the good guy Dan, with able support from Adam Roark as the leader of the gang, and Jocelyn Lane as the biker girl he gets stuck with, to their mutual annoyance. They bicker constantly, so you know they will fall in love before the movie is over. Jocelyn Lane is amazingly beautiful and a good enough actress to make her character believable, the outwardly tough girl who tries to hide an inner vulnerability and sadness. That these two people would bond with each other and fall in love is made totally believable and even touching.

The comic tone prevails throughout, even in fight scenes, with just enough seriousness to put the film across. There are some hilarious moments with William Lucking as a huge, dim witted biker. Adam Roark displays a good sense of comic timing in his growing exasperation with the hero's unceasing attempts to recover the stolen motorcycle. His serious scene at the end is surprising and effective, and the movie ends on an unexpected note. because of it.

Not a great movie, certainly, but a surprisingly good one, and very entertaining. Recommended.
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