Errol Goes Noir In Cuba
3 June 2008
The prospect of tropical nights in Havana and some income that he wouldn't have to pay entirely to all Uncle Sam in back taxes must have persuaded Errol Flynn to do The Big Boodle. Shot entirely in Havana, I'm sure Errol enjoyed the night life if nothing else.

Flynn plays a croupier in a Havana casino, another of those American expatriates. One night a woman passes some counterfeit pesos to him at the blackjack table. He confronts her, but she blows him off. Then after leaving work, he gets assaulted by two thugs and when the police find the phony money on him.

The police aren't any help, the police inspector Pedro Armendariz treats Flynn like a criminal and to be fair he does have the phony currency on him. Still he's left to his own devices to pursue the investigation and it leads to a pair of high living sisters in Gia Scala and Rosanna Rory and a number of their acquaintances.

The best thing about The Big Boodle is the location photography. Of course color would have been nice, but it is in fact a noir type film, Errol's only venture into that genre. The final scene is a running gun battle in Havana's famous Morro Castle with Flynn and villain Jacques Aubuchon.

Errol looks at least 15 to 20 years older than his actual age of 48 when The Big Boodle was made. He wanders rather listlessly through the role, maybe he'd have liked to have done some noir features back in his prime. He's clearly too old to be believably buckling any swashes.

Beyond the final scene, The Big Boodle moves at a snail's pace, a really sad project for Errol Flynn to be involved with.
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