Fletch Lives (1989)
Not quite the first... which is not to say that it doesn't make for a fine viewing
21 May 2008
Since I enjoyed the first, and this one also aired on TV, I gave it a chance, too. It defines itself very strongly as a sequel(in spite of not actually referencing the start of this series, at least as far as I could tell)... scenes and occurrences from the film it follows are redone with something of a step up... in intensity. It's perfectly clear from the start that this tries to outdo the other by making it all "bigger". It doesn't all work, and on the whole I'd go for Fletch before this. The gross-out comedy for example did not need to go that far... nor did the sexual material. To be entirely honest, I didn't particularly care for all the jabs at the South, either. But it still is funny, and I was into this, as well. The dry wit returns. The plot isn't bad, if the ending is a bit much. Pacing is pretty good, and some of the stuff that is of a larger scale than last time around is worthwhile. The acting is fairly solid, and Ermey does a nice job(and Chase). Hartman had far too little to do, for how entertaining he could be(R.I.P.), though I suppose fully unleashing him would compromise the style of humor(not to mention overshadow Chevy). The music is great. The mystery is interesting, and the script isn't bad(though the man behind it doesn't seem to have worked since... hmmm...). I recommend this to fans of the character, the movie that came before this, and/or Chevy Chase(people who like what he does, not the... man himself). 6/10
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