Review of Peacemaker

Peacemaker (1990)
Pretty decent flick for the budget.
12 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Peacemaker" joyfully rips off "The Hidden," "Highlander," and half a dozen other S-F flicks, but you won't really care. This could be a pretty straightforward thriller without even resorting to the S-F elements. (This is a good thing, too, because it's obvious that the director and producer have no desire to shoot major S-F scenes. The arrival of the "rover" ship is stock never see it on the ground. The one scene of an alien healing his hand is pretty simple stop-motion. There are no futuristic weapons.) On the other hand, there are plenty of car crashes. Good, old-fashioned physical effects rule the day.

The plot and writing are so-so, but serviceable. I'm used to being yanked several different ways during a movie, but I honestly didn't know for sure which alien was "good" and which was "bad" until about 2/3 of the way through the film.

Robert Forster and Robert Davi turn in satisfactory performances. Lance Edwards makes a valiant attempt to simulate some weird speech impediment throughout the film, but doesn't really pull it off. (He's just learned to speak English by watching TV all night...sound familiar?) Hilary Shepard just plain chews up the scenery. Still, they all work together and nobody stands out as being way superior or inferior to the other members of the cast.

It's a B-movie that stands just a little bit taller than most of the other dreck out there.
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