Lost: Walkabout (2004)
Season 1, Episode 4
Arguably the greatest Locke moment
14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I love Locke. Everything about him. His character is dark and mysterious the first couple of episodes and I remember watching back when and wanting to see his flashback. This is the episode where we finally learn more about Locke's past and why he is the way he is. It really does pay off and the use of flashbacks is incredible at the very end. Also, the one "scene" with the monster is awesome. If you are watching the show on DVD, you need to see this episode.

The episode opens with wild boars raiding the fuselage left on the beach with the survivors and Jack decides the fuselage must be burned. After four days of being on the island, the survivors realize their food supply is running out and Locke reveals he is a hunter and suggests that they hunt for food. Kate, Micheal, and Locke set out to hunt the boar. Sayid gives Kate the transceiver and asks that while she is away hunting, she tries to receive a signal. Micheal is injured while they are hunting and Locke is thrown off his feet, after a strange encounter with numbness in his legs he tells Kate and Micheal to head back to the beach and they do so, leaving Locke to hunt by himself. Along the way, Kate climbs a tree to get a signal for the transceiver but drops it when she hears the monster and sees the trees begin to move. The monster is revealed to be heading for Locke, and instead of running, Locke holds his ground, falling to the ground as the monster (not shown) slowly moves close to his face.Back on the beach the survivors are cleaning up the remainders of the plane and Claire decides to lead a ceremony for the deceased. Boone suggests to Jack that he talk to Rose who has been distant since they crashed. Rose tells Jack that her husband, who was in the tail section of the plane when it crashed, is still alive, she has faith. Sayid is mad when Kate and Micheal return with a broken transceiver and Kate tells Jack about Locke (thinking he is dead). Jack looses focus when he sees a man walk out of the jungle in a suite, he runs after, Kate following, only to find Locke covered in blood holding a dead boar. That night, Claire holds a memorial service for the dead passengers using information she found in their passports, wallets, and luggage. Charlie takes a hit of heroin before attending; his stash is running low. Jack is not among the group. Michael who is standing next to Locke asks him if he saw anything out there, Locke simply replies "no". Locke stares at a wheelchair slowly burning in the flames.

In the flashbacks throughout the episode, it is Locke working at an office building during lunch hour. His manager, Randy, is taunting him when he finds out that Locke plans to go on an Australian walkabout saying that Locke can't do those things in his condition. At home in his studio apartment, Locke is talking to a woman named Helen on the phone and tells her of his walkabout opportunity. He invites her to go to the walkabout, but she declines and says that she does not meet customers. She then tells Locke that continuing the conversation will mean charging for another hour, but that he "can't afford it". He says he doesn't care about the money, but she hangs up on him. Locke angrily hangs up his phone. In a flashback, Locke is in Australia talking to one of the leaders on the walkabout. He refuses to let Locke come because of his condition, saying it's too big of a risk for the insurance company. As the man gets up to leave, Locke pulls away and is shockingly revealed to be in a wheelchair. In a flashback two minutes after the crash, Locke is lying on his back in the sand. He wiggles his toes, then slowly and clumsily stands up when Jack asks him for help with the man under the wreckage.

I love pretty much everything about this episode. This is one of the earlier episodes that truly does require a second viewing. The first time I saw it, I didn't think the episode was anything special until the very end when it was revealed Locke was in a wheelchair. When you re-watch it, it is one of the first examples of how obvious "Lost" can be about its twists but yet no one seems to catch them while they watch. I cry every time Locke is screaming after the bus when it leaves him. My heart just breaks for him. I also love the repeating of "Don't tell me what I can't do," (and again when Jack says it). The "scene" with the monster and Locke doesn't really come into play until later but it truly is an awesome scene and Locke happens to be the first character to ever see the monster (not that we do or anything).

On the downside, I know that the wheelchair was used for symbolism. But knowing Locke's character, he should have let the others use the wheelchair to move debris and water bottles in later episodes instead of letting it burn. I also hate Jack and his scene with Rose. I love Rose, but I absolutely hate how Jack never has faith in anyone, how could you look at that woman and seriously tell her that her husband is dead? Let her be, its not like she's hurting anyone by thinking so.

My favorite part of the episode: When it is finally revealed that Locke was in a wheelchair. I cry every time.
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