Gutterballs (2008)
Rape, Nudity, Murder!
10 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a hard movie for me to judge. I liked the brutality and non-pc aspects, but wasn't impressed by some of the other elements: 1) The over dubbing was off--often mouths were moving but there was no sound.

2) The over use of the f-word started to grate on me.

3)None of the characters with the exception of the black guy were people you could cheer for--in fact everyone except him was annoying.

However, some of the kills were pretty cool (the tranny penis cutting was very well executed) and nudity is always good…even if some of those girls maybe should have kept their clothes on.

After a 8 1/2 minute set up, we get to meet the black gloved masked killer making weapons that will soon be used to dispatch his/her unknowing victims in due time. And directly after that scene is a long rape scene that was certainly shot not to titillate but to shock. Too bad three goofs happened during this scene: 1) The actress was supposed to be going commando (a term I don't believe was invented in the 80's) but she was clearly wearing underwear.

2) One of the characters was instructed on which end of the bowling pin to rape her with, but still messed up--but was told he was doing it correctly.

3) I kept hearing weird digital sounds that were obviously a glitch with the disk or production.

After the rape, the movie really gets going and BBK wastes no time in killing off the characters one by one in interesting fashion.

The average movie goer may not enjoy this movie, but fans of non-pc, low budget and older slasher flicks should get some enjoyment from Gutterballs. The gore is well done and the acting was good enough. Some serious effort went into it, so it is worth a watch.

Additional cudos for a pretty interesting Canadian soundtrack and "Loonies Only" condom dispenser sign. Also, I don't know how many people got the phone number reference: 976-3845=976-EVIL.
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