Check your facts before you decide.
17 March 2008
I really enjoyed this movie as did apparently a lot of other viewers. My interest was piqued enough that I wanted to see if I could find details on why Robert Mruczek, the Twin Galaxies Head Referee, resigned shortly after the Funspot tournament (as noted in the credits). I didn't find any information on that subject but I did find that Walter Day of Twin Galaxies has put together a lot of information debunking the "facts" as portrayed in King of Kong (http://www.twingalaxies.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=86). I strongly urge viewers to read the full story before making up their minds about Twin Galaxies and Billy Mitchel.

I am not in any way affiliated any of the parties involved in this movie. I'm not really even a big fan of classic arcade games. This just goes to show how interesting the movie and this controversy are.
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