Crappy People...and a good guy with a gun....
20 February 2008
I don't know about Boston, but a kid with an automatic pistol who shoots (even a low-life, piece of crap, worthless, deserves to be tortured, sub-human) point-blank in the 'back of the head' (in his own house), isn't gonna' be going home to dinner and then continue on his crusade 'to do the right thing'...The story woulda' taken a slight turn and the rest of the movie would've' been about the next three years of courtroom testimony, appeals and newspaper headlines reading 'Young man faces death penalty'...I also have trouble with a veteran police captain kidnapping and hiding a child at the cost of his career, the lives of his family (including the girl's) and then a lengthy prison sentence...especially after losing his own child...Admittedly, the acting (yes, and the direction) was good without exception, but the story is about common lowlifes and the horrid circumstances that innocent children get put in because of them...Social Services and the local police see this movie (the real-life version) on a day to day basis...

The 'stand by you' girlfriend is a nice touch, when she let's the 'guy she loves no matter what' that she'll leave him (and hate him, to boot) if he 'does the right thing'...I do my best to avoid 'crappy excuses for human beings' (maybe that's 'one of the reasons' I won't even go in a walmart and chance seeing some kid getting beat on and screamed at)... So I guess that's my main 'lack of enthusiasm about this film'...It's more of a story about low-life, rednecks and watching their ignorant, lack of compassion, mouth-breathing mental-processes at work and the painful results...The same ones that fill the newspaper headlines and give Nancy Grace nightly material...I seriously doubt many police officers cared for this story very much either, regardless of the acting.
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