Review of Winter Kills

Winter Kills (1979)
Dead of Winter
16 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
****MAJOR SPOILERS**** Obviously about the JFK assassination "Winter Kills" has all the major characters of that tragic event as well as the city that the assassination happened in, Dallas Texas, moved to Philadelphia Pa.

On the afternoon of February 22, 1960 president Tim Kegan, played by Virginia Senator John Warner, was brutally gunned down outside of the Philadelphia City Hall by a lone assassin a drifter named Willie Arnold. Arnold never lived to go to trial when he himself was shot and killed by nightclub owner, and Mafia connected, Joe Diamond, Eli Wallach. With the Pickering Commission determining that Arnold was the lone assassin and Diamond was just a patriotic American who took the law into his own hands, in gunning down Arnold, all the answers to Presdent Kegan's murder was finally put to rest. That's until Arthur Fletcher, Joe Spinell, pops up out of nowhere some 19 years later.

Falling or being pushed from a oil rig Fletcher knowing that he doesn't have long to live wants to come clean in his involvement in the President Kegan assassination. Flown to a freighter when the late President Kegan's brother Nick, Jeff Bridges,the boats skipper is on Fletcher tells the startled young man that he was the one who pulled the trigger that killed his brother some 20 years ago. To prove that he's telling the truth Fletcher also gives Nick information where the murder weapon, a telescopic snipers rife, with his fingerprints on it can be found! Hidden in a steam pipe on the third floor, the snipers nest, at the Philadelphia Engerson Building!

Rushing over to the city of "Brotherly Love" Nick together with his late brother's top political adviser Miles Garner, David Spielberg, and Philly police Captain Hiller, Brad Dexter, find the murder weapon with a note written by Fletcher attached to it just were, the by now late, Fletcher said it would be. Within minutes of finding the snipers rife both Garner & Capt. Hiller are gunned down with Nick running for his life and the killers gun, in all the confusion, disappearing!

On a crusade to find his brothers killer, or killers, Nick gets involved with a slew of sleazy and unsavory characters from Mafia Kingpin Frank Mayo, Tomas Milian, to the notorious D.C Madam Lola Comante, Elizabeth Taylor. Nick also gets in contact with this mysterious weirdo John Cerreui, Anthony Perkins, an employee of his dad Pa Kegan, John Huston, electronic snooping or spying empire. Cerreui an eavesdropping expert in the end clues Nick in, after he broke both his arms, who was really behind his brothers assassination! Someone very very close to him.

Overly complicated but extremely entertaining movie that covers all the bases in who was responsible in Presiden Kegan's murder. Nick is lead on a number of wild goose chases by those whom he trusts who in the end were murdered themselves, because they knew too much, in who President Tim Kegan's killer or the man who had him killed was.

It turns out that Tim's rise to power in becoming President of the United States was financed by both mob and big business money. With him in office Tim was then ordered, by those who put him there, to "take out" Cuban President and Dictator Fidel Castro but refused to go through with it. Castro having thrown the Mob and it's business partners out of the country had cost them tens of million of dollars and now, in retaliation, they want him "hit". The problem is that President Kegan in not wanting to start a world war, with Castro's ally the USSR coming to his defense, wouldn't give orders to the CIA to "hit" him! So in response to President Kegan's double-cross, of the mob and its fellow or business travelers, he was "hit" instead! The big question in Nick's mind is who was the person who order or set up the "hit"!

Heart dropping final at the now defunct Pan Am Building in Midtown Manhattan with Nick coming face to face with the person who set his brother Tim up for the kill. Holding on for dear life, on a balcony high atop the Pan Am Building, the "Big Cheese" behind President Kegan's assassination lets it all out about some crazy scheme of his, in transferring his millions to Brazil, as he slowly slips to his death and into oblivion! Right through the middle of a giant American flag attached to the building!
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