Review of Prey

Prey (1998)
Too Short to gain popularity!
10 February 2008
'Prey' should be on everyone's watch list. Strong performances, intriguing plots, and little something for everyone whether it be Sci-Fi, action, drama or even a little comedy. 'Prey' had it all.

The concept of an evolved species wanting total dominance is very intriguing and a possible reality. The idea of this threat definitely hits home when one begins to see that being different can bring about change that leads to a struggle of dominance and/or acceptance. The science utilized throughout the program could have been more fleshed out and given more attention. Audiences are much more intelligent than what the entertainment industry believes. The evidence of the new species was the backbone to the whole story and the key to the story's success. With this new discovery; we must understand and we must learn more....That curiosity is what would drive most of us to desire answers and explore the possibilities from there, like life, like evolution.

The core characters were interesting and the overall tone was somewhat dark. Adam Storke did a wonderful job in his role as Tom Daniels, even when the writers seems to lack. Debra Messing also performed just as beautiful as Sloan Parker, and doing drama is definitely more to her class. Larry Drake was brilliant and kudos to the rest of the cast for such strong and provocative performances. The quality in production was very good as was the cinematography. The soundtrack was awesome. Lest I forget to mention the opening credits; not only provided the insight one would need to follow the plot, but also moved you into the tone and atmosphere of the entire program.

The show only aired for a mid-season in 1998 and didn't garner the ratings the network desired, hence its cancellation. Not to mention that the writing began to be somewhat in contrast and out of sync with the overall story and feel of the show. I believe this was due to the demands of the powers that be wanting more action etc. 'Prey' had great potential and should be re-visited. It could easily be revamped and brought back with a 'new' vision that I feel the audience now would appreciate more than they did before. I also agree with others here that syndication would have and still could work for this type of program.

'Prey' is one of the foremost programs that broke new ground for Sci-Fi and the like. Introducing more thought provoking ideas layered by intrigue and suspense...this was very innovative for its time, perhaps too much so. So I Pray that 'Prey' shall reincarnate again.... :)
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