not so good WWII spy movie
25 January 2008
Silly, uneven WW II flick, with good picture quality, but poor sound quality. Lola Lane ( Vera Marova ) gets top billing, but its pretty much an ensemble spy thriller. Everyone says rather silly inane things at such a serious time, and the acting by Lane and John Wosper (Colonel Heinrich) is quite bad and stilted, which may explain why this was Wosper's first and last known role in film. Kathryn Sheldon plays Minna, the maid, who suspects that Marova is an imposter. Sherman Lowe and Arthur St. Claire had written nine movies together between 1940 and 1946, but I suspect that this was not their best work...I'm surprised that this was released on DVD... Noel Madison as Kleiss, had made 70 films by this time, and its a shame he didn't have a larger role. They include some footage of Hitler's speeches, with obvious over-dubbing. One thing to note --some credit list corrections -- as of today, Jan 25, 2008, in the credits at the beginning and end of the film itself, Noel Madison is listed as "Capt. Anton Kleis", yet on IMDb, it shows "Police Chief Fritz Kleiss". In the film, Richard Kipling is listed as "Dr. Suchevsky" but IMDb has spelling "Suchevcky". The film credits show "Gerald Naughton", but IMDb shows "Gerry Naughton". The film credits show the spelling "Heinrick", but IMDb has "Heinrich". The film shows "Paul Weigle", but IMDb has it spelled as Paul Weigel".... attempting to correct the credits....
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