Review of Monster

Monster (2008 Video)
Top Notch
20 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If by some act of god, you're able to make it through the entire sitting of this movie without having epileptic seizures, then you're a better man than most.

This movie contained a monster, I'm still not quite sure exactly what it was other than the fact that they used one voice/sound that sounded like a rhino giving birth to its young each time it was on the prowl and destroying the city. There was also about 300 planes that somehow managed to fly over wherever the girls were currently at and you guessed it, somehow, there was only one sound for these planes as well. Out of the millions of people that live in Tokyo, you see about 10 die total but there is debris and buildings toppled over everywhere. Somehow no one knows English in Tokyo except for two security guards. The only shining moment of this entire movie was the fact that every now and then, you'd see a few nice cleavage shots from the actresses.

If you're totally cracked out and enjoy tripping out with the possibility of having epileptic seizures, enjoy listening to Rhino's giving birth, have an infatuation with the sounds of planes, and enjoy 2 or 3 cleavage shots in the entire sitting of a movie, check out this masterpiece of a movie. I know that I'm glad I did.
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