The Game Plan (2007)
Never Say No
16 January 2008
Can't think up of something that can sum up this movie really well. Except that this movie is really a good one. One that is worth to watch, and is suitable for all age.

I must admit, that I'm not very sure about this movie at first. To tell the truth, I'm not even sure if this movie is worth watching or not. Because I saw The Rock in it, and said "The Rock act as a father in a drama family comedy movie? Not a chance it will be good!!" But once again, I was proved wrong. The Rock really got the acting skill for all genre.

The movie is about a man (The Rock) who is a very success and really well known for his skill as a quarterback, but somehow lonely. Until one day, a little girl arrive at his apartment door, and claim that she is his daughter. And then, things have gone a little different for the man, because suddenly, he has to adapt with the fact that he has already become a daddy.

As usual, I'm not going to spoil this one to anyone. All you gotta do, is watch it at the theater, or watch it from DVD. I'll let you all to have your own judgment for this one movie :D

Usually, I'm not the kind of guy who will easily shed tears over some drama movie. But something about The Rock's act made me wanted to. It felt so natural, and so touching at the same time. Game Plan really can make you cry. And I have to admit, there's a couple scenes that made me shed some tears. It's really a touching one and very heart warming family movie.

I really recommend Game Plan for everyone to watch. It's excellent. The Rock is actually fabulous, and his act is actually top notch.

I rate it 10/10
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