Green Day: American Idiot (2004 Music Video)
Middle-class 5-foot-2 punks with so much street credibility it almost hurts. Right on!
11 January 2008
If you think you saw tough - you ain't seen nothing yet! Three hardcore musicians from the gutter who spill their guts out hitting their massive power chords with the vengeance of a steam-roller! I have never EVER heard music this heavy! Forget Slayer, forget the Sex Pistols, forget G.B.H., forget D.R.I., and forget Discharge. This is what real punk is all about. The fact that Green Day's albums are bought mostly by 8 year-old boys with thick glasses should not fool you! These guys are mean, they are street-smart, and their understanding of the current world events is unrivaled even by Henry Kissinger, who now has to almost beg Billy for his opinions and advice. Please listen to them! They have all the solutions to the world's problems. Between them, Chris Martin and Bono, I think mankind has a bright future; it is their minds that will guide us all to prosperity and peace!

"Green Day Makes 100 Videos: The American Punk Idiots" is a self-tribute, a touching yet powerful mini-biography in the form of a music video. If you ever thought of voting for Bush here's a lyric to consider: "Oh, yeah, yeah, we rock this thing so far, alright, yeah, so cool". After hearing that, how could you possibly not heed their advice and support the other side? How can you possibly not take Billy Armstrong seriously, the face of a man-boy who resembles Helena Bonham Carter? (Come to think of it, their body-types are similar, too.)

The message in "Three American Punk Idiots" is brilliant yet simple: you too can get rich and famous if you play generic pop punk for babies and nerds, while singing about political issues you know absolutely nothing about. Such inspiring stuff! Idiocracy, here we come, at full speed...

If you want the humorous truth about baby punks, check out Devin Townsend's Punky Bruster album, "Cooked On Phonics".

For more of my music-world rants, go to:
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