The king's mark
3 December 2007
Sandwiched between "Justin de Marseille " and "Samson' in Maurice Tourneur's prolific career,"Konigsmark" is a pleasant extravaganza.Based on a Pierre Benoit Novel whose "l'Atlantide" had already been adapted by Pabst,it looks like the legionnaire's adventures in the aforementioned work;both stories try to link an imaginary (kitsch?)world to reality.The concept is better applied on "l'Atlantide" where the legionnaire's routine life is relatively believable.But ,in "Konigsmark" ,when WW1 breaks out ,it is impossible to believe that the world depicted in the court of grand duchess Aurore has something to do with Sarajevo and the impending disaster.

Forget the war and you have some kind of fairytale with a princess, an unfortunate husband,a traitor , a wicked fairy (Melusine!) ,a loyal private tutor (Pierre Fresnay!);spice with a murder mystery ;add a legend of long ago of an impossible love ,an impossible love which comes back like a curse hanging over Aurore and Raoul.And you have a nice story like movie,in a Gothic castle .

Word to the wise:if you like the genre ,try "813:Arsene Lupin Joue et Perd" a miniseries circa 1980 from Maurice Leblanc;it is much better than "Konigsmark"
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