The granddaddy of "10 Rillington Place" and "The Boston Strangler"
1 December 2007
The two movies I mention in my title were proofs positive that ,all that Fleischer threatened to do in the film noir field all the promises were fulfilled ."Follow me quietly" can be looked upon as a blueprint for these masterful works.

Its only flaw is its length: it's obviously too short,and we would like to know more about the Judge.This serial killer apparently "punishes": like in Agatha Christie's famous "And then there were none"(1939) ,a subject which was also that of the celebrated "Seven" .All the scenes which feature the dummy are extraordinary ,and Fleischer shows his brilliance when it comes to make us feel he is "alive".

Outside these three works,do not miss early efforts such as "the clay pigeon" (with a shoestring budget too) "the narrow margin" or later works such as "blind terror" and "Solyent green " (a sci fi classic with film noir accents);only Fleischer's final movies were mediocre ,the likes of "Amytiville" "Conan" and "Ashanti" which perhaps went against him and tarnished his image.Which was unfair.
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