Review of Random Shoes

Torchwood: Random Shoes (2006)
Season 1, Episode 9
Surprisingly Humanistic...
19 November 2007
You don't usually expect a series that deals with alien monsters and bugaboos of all kinds to have an even balance of special effects chaos and a focus on the wonders and weaknesses that make us all essentially human, but "Random Shoes" is one of those prime examples - not an alien in sight, but it gives us an enthralling and touching story nevertheless, even though technically it has been done before in other series and films (usually quite poorly.)

Eugene Jones, a longtime TORCHWOOD "groupie" has been pursuing the team for years, trying to get them to look at something he found. When he suddenly becomes one of the group's new "cases," Gwen takes it upon herself to solve not only what appears to have possibly been a murder, but the riddle of Eugene's very existence. All while unknowingly being followed by his "ghost", who provides the narration throughout the story.

Even more reminiscent of THE X-FILES than most of the other episodes, "Random Shoes" ends on a sad yet uplifting note that's bound to be controversial for the lack of logic behind it. Which, if the viewer is paying attention, is not the point of the whole story. Liiving your life to the fullest, whatever that life is like...THAT is the point. And beautifully put, I might add.
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