The Hive (2008 TV Movie)
Give this film a chance and you won't regret it
14 November 2007
This is one of those misleading films that you see in IMDb and you instantly assume that are utter trash. I guess most people will dismiss this film as silly and awful without haven't even watching it. I pity them. And I'm not talking about your regular "This is so bad its good!!!". No dear internet fellows, I'm talking about, "This is so good its awesome!".

The, for most people I guess, apparently laughable plot (a film about killer ants, you say?) hides an extremely satisfactory script that manages to deliver thrilling action and top of line dialog lines. Not many low-budget TV films manage to capture the essence of what every sci-fi should aim at: originality, compelling story and, above all, credibility. The final twist of the film is the perfect example of that: pure indie brilliance.

I'm not giving the film a 10 since CG scenes are a bit blurry because of the film's low budget, but don't let that mislead you: this is one film you owe yourself to see.
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