This is an atrocity. This is a travesty!
14 November 2007
With the writers strike continuing, we might just be in for some schlock like this to fill the air until it is settled. I am not, of course, referring to the movie, although it is pretty bad, but to the concept that has a real murder trial on TV for three hours and then, for only $19.95, you can actually watch the execution. Of course, there will be an execution, as TV cannot resist the $250 that they will bring in.

It is interesting that they picked Jerry Springer to lead this show, and that it is set in Florida, second only to Texas for their blood-lust. They gladly spend $1.99 to vote to execute. After all, that saves them money that would be spent on wasteful things like health care and education.

Amand Assante just seemed to drift through the film until he is called upon to make a rousing speech at the end. It is wasted breath, as this would be an easy sell these days.

I won't recommend it, but you might want to watch it to see where we could end up if things keep going like they are. bring back the writers!
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