Eye opening, Alex Jones is a true visionary
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is truly a masterpiece of investigative journalism. If it were not for the obstructionist policies of the global elite I am sure that it would be in the running for one, if not two or three, Pulitzer prizes. In this review I will be covering two main areas, firstly, the structure and set up of the documentary itself, before discussing the content, and my views, thoughts etc.

Firstly, the documentary itself. It is obviously scrupulously researched, as is shown by the wide variety of archival, historical and even anecdotal evidence shown in this film, a snip at two hours. The number of experts is also impressive; the main guy they use (whose name I forget) has a doctorate in Forestry Science or some such, and this discipline obviously gives him a unique insight into history, economics, politics, and all kinds of things that you wouldn't have thought would be contained in a field which consists of studying the environment and suchlike.

They also have a journalist called Joe Tucker or something; don't let his shaking body and voice, and his rampant alcoholism fool you, this guy is sharp. Some of the comments he makes chilled me to the bone. Also, his habit of wearing a hat in all weathers, in all environments, and even inside, is a sign of his intellect I suppose.

There was an economist mentioned as well, but according to google he doesn't exist, so instead I'll discuss what I like to call the "unnamed experts", that Mr Jones encountered on the street. These guys knew what was up, they aren't sheep like you and I, they know the score.

The filming style was also good, interspersing pictures of modern day people with greedy bankers and evil dictators was a nice touch, thus showing the inextricable links between these two groups of seemingly unrelated people. Also, the man doing the voice over should win an Oscar, the way he managed to sound so disinterested and also bland is incredible, and helped to add an air of objectivity to the proceedings.

So, now on to the content. Firstly, the evidence used was an extraordinary mix. From using contemporary etchings and paintings to prove their historical interpretations, to using a fat guy who says "I was there". Stunning, a veritable cornucopia of positive reinforcement. In my opinion baseless assertions have been given far too little recognition in mainstream documentaries, it is about time they were given a greater role. Alex Jones is the man to do this. Why sully the affair with such vulgar things as "facts" and "evidence". These are all provided by the "man" anyway, and the people at Bilderberg.

To conclude, this is a must see. How else will you be able to warn all your friends about the inexorable approach of the New World Order, who want to kill all but 500 million of us (the rest will have their organs harvested) because some large rocks say so.
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