Co/Ma (2004)
The New Cinema
28 October 2007
This 90 minute film produced and photographed by Mike Figgis could be seen as a blue print for a new type of cinema – a cinema that does not have a pre-produced script, a cinema in which artificial lights are not used, a cinema shot on HD video and edited with Final Cut Pro, and having a conception to distribution cycle of 1 week.

Co/Ma is the result of a European Film Academy master class run by Mike Figgis with 19 filmmakers and actors at the Ljubljana studio, Slovenia.

The film begins with an argument about ownership and rights between Figgis and the 25 participants. Has the film with a argument or is this a documentary footage of the master class, or a mockmentary moment. In the next 90 minutes we are never sure what genre or type of film we are watching. But what does happen is that all elements of how to make a film are explored. There is a 3 minute movie inside the movie and its shows you what all movies need drama that is the result of conflict. And Co/Ma is conflict from start to finish – but is it real or acted.

The DVD has a commentary track by Figgis is well worth listening to after your first viewing of the DVD.
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