Mallrats (1995)
An Under-Appreciated Effort
26 October 2007
Following Kevin Smith's simplistic yet incredible debut, he got picked up by the indie patrons Bob and Harvey Weinstein. The powers that be threw money at Smith, who didn't even want it. He believed he could make Mallrats for at most 2 million. They gave him six. As a result, the film contains dialogue and events meant for a $500,000-$2 million picture and put $6 million worth of stuff in it. This makes a little too schlocky.

To use the budget, Kevin writes a plot that involves too much movement. What could have been said one set is spread out to three. The film follows Quint and Brodie as they hang out in a mall after both being dumped by their girlfriends. Jason Lee rocks in his debut film performance as a snarky, wildly funny sidekick that usurps Jeremy London at every turn. Jay and Silent Bob still have the tiny role from Clerks even though it's a much bigger film. Chasing Amy also didn't give them a big role, but that film also didn't call for them as much. J&SB appear often here but don't have enough to do.

Like all Kevin Smith films, the dialogue is incredible. Lee gives the lines his own flair, and is my favorite VA cast member. He even beats out Jeff Anderson's Randall in terms of acerbic wit. The schlocky elements, though a little annoying at times, are fairly well done and most of them get laughs.

When this came out, the critics tore Kevin apart for the sophomore slump. In reality, he did the best possible job he could have considering all the studio pressure on him. Mallrats was a necessary flop that proved to the studio heads that Kevin was best left alone. That resulted in a string of great films from Chasing Amy to the most recent, Clerks II (yes, I even include Jersey Girl in that. It's a great film). This has been called the gateway film to the View Askewniverse, as this is the first Smith film many see. It is by no means a bad film, but it's probably Kevin's least accomplished effort.
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