Skunk Fu! (2007–2023)
The Art of Entertainment
25 September 2007
Skunk Fu! This show is basically about the adventures of a western Skunk, currently a kid, he learns the art of kung fu from a wise Panda. Skunk lives in a valley along with other animals. However, Panda used to be friends with Dragon, however, Dragon became trapped in a cave to the present day, and blames the animals in the valley for his arrogance. He now threatens to destroy the valley, by using a large group of 'Ninga Monkeys' and his own powers. It is up to the animals in the valley to stop Dragons attempts at destroying their habitat. At the moment Dragon appears to be the most powerful creature, and the only thing keeping him at bay from destroying the valley is the cave he is trapped in. However, Skunk is likely to be the animal that can out do Dragon, as he has a secret weapon no other animal possesses, the ability to create a noxious smell which can knock out all the animals in the valley and a good weapon against Dragon. Skunk however needs to learn how to control this.

When I first saw this advertised there was something about it that looked good. However I didn't take much notice of this until after the first two weeks of it being shown, since it looked cool on the ads I decided to watch one. I was not disappointed, in fact it was better than I thought it would have been. First you get the background story in flat-screen, then it opens to full with this really cool rap music in the opening titles. Then you get to the episodes themselves which are fantastic.

The animation style of this is beyond any other, I love the fact that they use a bright range of colours and you even get gradients being used (like on Skunk and Rabbitt) which works really well. The story lines are easy to follow which makes it more entertaining and the episodes have been kept relatively short which is good as it leaves you wanting more. I love the action sequences where the animals fight (usually against ninja monkeys).

Another great thing about this show is the humour. There is so much of it in this. Whether it is play on words or just humour through the animation there is humour to suit all audiences. Though this show may be designed for a child audience I think there is adult humour it this. I really like the character 'Rabbitt', who provides a lot of humour though his language, such as in one 'The Art of Revenge', he and Skunk have battled against monkeys and won, he then says, "pretty darn good", Skunk replies, "not bad yourself", then Rabbitt replies, "I was talking about myself". I think there is also humour in the way that the animals names are basically the names of the animals they are (e.g. Skunk is a skunk). In my opinion this has humour that not only suits kids but also adults and I think this show suits all audiences.

So this show has good animation and great comedy, but what I think makes it very unique from any other cartoon is the fact that the creators (Cartoon Saloon) have managed to make the star of the show Skunk, before Skunk Fu skunks were not the most liked animal and basically known as animals that 'smell'. Now after this we will think of skunks differently. Cartoon Saloon have managed to take an animal rarely used and create a star character in a fantastic show. That is what makes this show so unique. The voices used in this show are brilliant, I especially like the voice used for Baboon (leader of the ninja monkeys).

In my opinion I would give this a definite 10/10 and encourage everyone to see this. Skunk Fu is a whole new look on animated comedies. Well done to those that created this.
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